Wood of apple tree has a pink brown colour and is a very hard wood. It’s used is mostly for small parts of furniture. Used in the 18th century for parts of the furniture such as the turnings. (Mi)
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Wood of apple tree has a pink brown colour and is a very hard wood. It’s used is mostly for small parts of furniture. Used in the 18th century for parts of the furniture such as the turnings. (Mi)
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Antiquing refers to the treatment or finish of wood to give it an antique look. The wood can be scratched, planed or worn out at the edges to have a distressed finish. The wood is also treated with acid or bleach to look worn and the paint has washes of dirt in order to be uneven and dull. (Mi)
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In the rules of the United States customs, an antique must be an item before ‘1830’. However the term no longer only refers to old furniture. Antique can refer to items which are old, rare, unique or have sentimental value. Therefore the original value or the style of the item plays a big role, specially for collectors, as some items considered antique for one, based on nostalgia and sentimental value, can be considered as junk for the next.
When it comes to antique furniture, it can be described as copied (which implies new furniture built in the from and style of an antique style), repaired or restored. Each of these techniques puts a different value on the piece of the furniture depending on the method. (Mi)
19th Century. Antimacassar is a small piece of cloth, placed on chair backs or sofas to protect and prevent the soiling of the permanent fabric. (Mi)
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Anthemion refers to a pattern design that consist of radiating pedals developed from honeysuckle or lotus palmetto formed by the ancient Greeks. (Mi)
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18th century. Angle bed is a bed that has a canopy, with only two pillars at the head of the bed. The canopy therefore only covers part of bed reaching all the way to the floor. (Mi)
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Sources and knowledge of ancient furniture are provided by the remains of the furniture, drawings and sketches from those periods. Some ancient furniture were found in the Egyptian tombs due to their belief in providing the dead everyday items. In fact Egypt provided most of the knowledge of ancient furniture and the motifs were used in different parts. In Greece and Rome, drawings and wall carvings as well as stone relics remained which continued to be used in architecture. (Mi)
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Amorini is an Italian term used to describe paintings and carvings of cupids for decoration purposes. Can be found mostly in the Baroque style. (Mi)
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The Federal style and the Empire style in America overlapped since the Empire style didn’t necessarily replace the Federal. What the Empire style forced upon the style of furniture was heavy architectural details as a symbol of decline of pure line. Furniture legs became thick, curved and heavily ornamented. American Empire style furniture took the appearance of Grecian style as the Federal styled homes were developing a Greek Revival style.
Duncan Phyfe (1768-1854) is a notable cabinet maker of the Empire Period. (Mi)
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